Daily Multivitamin : Top of the Line Multivitamin & Mineral Formulation*

Daily Multivitamin : Top of the Line Multivitamin & Mineral Formulation*


All adults should take a daily multivitamin, according to research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. The authors, two Harvard Medical School researchers who reviewed 150 scientific studies, have joined the growing list of experts who recognize the benefits of vitamins to maintain health.

A recent study determined that 90% of Americans are lacking key nutrients in their diets. It doesn’t matter whether you are male or female, young or old, athlete or couch potato; a multivitamin should be the foundation of your supplement program.

Daily Multivitamin is a top of the line Multivitamin and Mineral that contains “26” key vitamins, minerals, and trace elements along with Lutein, PABA, and Inositol. Daily Multivitamin is an iron-free product that is naturally formulated from premium quality ingredients  that are gluten-free, dairy-free, and vegetarian friendly.

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Product Description

Despite extensive efforts of the government over the last 20 years to educate Americans about proper diet, today about 75% of Americans report not eating the minimum daily servings of fruits and vegetables. In fact, only 1% of Americans follow all the USDA guidelines for healthy eating.

Why dfastfoodfactso seniors have even greater challenges nutritionally? As we age, our caloric intake decreases, thus our nutrient intake decreases. In addition, aging decreases our ability to absorb certain essential nutrients. These factors place the aging population at risk for deficiencies for such essentials as Vitamins B6, B12, D, E, Folic Acid, and Calcium.

The simple answer is to take a daily multivitamin to supplement food intake – not to replace food, but to supplement our diets. A daily multivitamin can help insure that adults, and seniors in particular, get the nutrients they need to promote long-term health, and thus increase quality of life.



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